Three stages of a Trust💡


Before Trust Setup

What objectives do you want to achieve through a trust?

Succession planning Asset Growth/Protection Tax Planning

Life protection for loved ones

Charitable Purpose

You may need to consider…

  • Your own and the beneficiaries’ status (nationality, tax residency…)
  • Assets to be injected into the trust
  • Whether you need an investment advisor
  • Utilization of trust funds for daily needs (e.g. education expenses, financial and living support…)
  • Arrangements for your estate
  • Whether there is a need for company restructuring and reorganization before trust set up

Trust Setup

i-Brilli will…

  • Advise you on the trust structure
  • Draft the trust structure with legal and tax advisors
  • Ensure the Trust complies with local laws and tax regulations
  • Prepare/review your letter of wishes
  • Prepare and review the trust deed
  • Execute trust management


Post Trust Setup

Thinking about relocation?
You may consider the following needs:

  • Transportation arrangements (e.g. air ticket, local driver/vehicle)
  • Accommodation arrangements in the destination (e.g. purchase/rent a property)
  • Children’s education (e.g. local/overseas schools, education consultant)
  • Investment management (e.g. private banking services, insurance planning)

To learn how we can assist you or for more information about trusts,
please visit other articles on our website or contact us.