What is a Trust?


Trust is created by the Settlor.
The Settlor identifies the Beneficiaries and transfer all or part of his/her assets into the Trust.

Trust assets may include but not limited to:

  • Bank Deposits
  • Shares and Bonds
  • Insurance Policies
  • Art Collection
  • Real Property
  • Companies




Trustee carries out and administers the Trust in accordance with its terms and acts in the best interest of the Beneficiaries.

Trustee duties include:

  • Legal title of Trust assets
  • Management of bank accounts
  • Tax reporting
  • Keep accounts and records of the Trust
  • Manage and administer the trust
  • Others as may be discussed between Settlor and Trustee


Trust Beneficiaries will benefit from the Trust.

Examples of Beneficiaries:

  • Settlor
  • Spouse
  • Children and grand children
  • Charitable organisations


A Protector may be appointed under a Trust Deed to exercise certain powers in relation to the Trust.
They provide check and balance over the Trustee and act as a watchdog for the Beneficiaries.

An Advisory Committee (e.g. Investment Advisor) may be appointed under a Trust Deed to exercise certain powers in relation to the Trust.
They provide financial and / or investment advisor to Trustee. They may also review financial records of the Trust, to ensure effective management of the Trust.

*Settlor may depending on his/her objectives of setting the Trust to determine whether to appoint a Protector and Advisory Committee.
Neither of these two roles are a must for the Trust to be established.